Rehit Maryada-yada-yada-yaa

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ki Ji Fateh,
Sat Naam

Ok so this week’s topic Paramnam Singh and myself, talk about alot of topics but the main points are… 1 institution of the Sikh Rehit Maryada, and the evolution of society as whole. Second topic is how sikhs have lost their sense of Tyar bar Tyar, being ever ready and prepper mindset has left the consciousness of Sikhi and how we have become reliant on the State or government to take care of our needs.

Rabh Rakha, may the universe sustain the consciousnesses of all.
Sat Naam

The Art Of Chardi Kala
The Art Of Chardi Kala
Rehit Maryada-yada-yada-yaa

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